geoh5py: Python API for geoh5. An open file format for geoscientific data ========================================================================= Welcome to the documentation page for **geoh5py**! In short ^^^^^^^^ The **geoh5py** library has been created for the manipulation and storage of a wide range of geoscientific data (points, curve, surface, 2D and 3D grids) in `geoh5 file format `_. Users will be able to directly leverage the powerful visualization capabilities of `Geoscience ANALYST `_ along with open-source code from the Python ecosystem. .. figure:: ./images/GA_demo.png :align: center :width: 600 Contents: ^^^^^^^^^ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 content/installation.rst content/user_guide/index.rst content/api/geoh5py.rst content/geoh5_format/index.rst content/uijson_format/index.rst content/release_notes.rst content/feedback.rst Citing geoh5py ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you use **geoh5py** in your research, please cite it as follows: .. image:: :target: