

While they are structured similarly, each group, object or set of data has a type that defines how its HDF5 datasets should be interpreted. This type is shared among any number of entities (groups/objects/data sets).

Group Types



str Name of the group displayed in the project tree.


str Unique identifier (UUID) of the group type.


str (Optional) Description of the type.

Allow move contents:

int, 0 or (default) 1 (Optional) User interface allows deletion of the content.

Allow delete contents:

int, 0 or (default) 1 (Optional) User interface allows deletion of the content.

Object Types

Objects are containers for data values with spatial information.



str Name of the object displayed in the project tree.


str Unique identifier (UUID) of the group type.


str (Optional) Description of the type.

Data Types

New data types can be created at will by software or users to describe object or group properties. Data of the same type can exist on any number of objects or groups of any type, and each instance can be associated with vertices, cells or the object/group itself. Some data type identifiers can also be reserved as a means of identifying a specific kind of data.



str Name of the object displayed in the project tree.


str Unique identifier (UUID) of the data type.

Unlike Groups and Objects, Data entities do not generally have fixed identifier Type. Multiple data entities linked by a type will share common properties (color map, units, etc.). Exceptions to this rule are the fixed:

Primitive type:


Specifies the kind of data values stored as HDF5 dataset. Must be one of:


str (Optional) Description of the type.


str (Optional) Data units

Color map:

1D compound array

[Value double, Red uint, Green uint, Blue uint, Alpha uint]

(Optional) Records colors assigned to value ranges. The Value mark the start of the range)

Value map:

(1D compound array dataset)

[Key uint, Value str]

Required only for reference data types (classifications)

Transparent no data:

int, 0 or (default) 1 (Optional) Whether or not absence of data/filtered data should be hidden in the viewport.


int, 0 or (default) 1 (Optional) Whether or not the data type should appear in the data type list.

Scientific notation:

int, 0 or (default) 1 (Optional) Whether or not the data values of this type should be displayed in scientific notation.


int (Optional) The number of decimals (or significant digits in case of scientific notation) used when displayed data values of this type.

Number of bins:

int, default=50 (Optional) Number of bins used when displaying histogram

Duplicate type on copy:

int, 0 or (default) 1 (Optional) When enabled, a separate copy of this data type will be created and used when data of this type is copied.